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Pet Friendly Aged Care.

Companion Animal Network Australia – Australia CAN

Contact Australia CAN: [email protected]
Pet Friendly Aged Care exists to promote a pet-friendly aged care sector.

The Pet-Friendly Aged Care program is owned and run by Companion Animal Network Australia-Australia CAN—a registered charity representing the companion animal welfare work of member organisations across Australia.

Their members have more than 300 years of combined experience caring for companion animals. Part of our mission is to help people of all ages maintain a connection with their pets.

Pet Friendly Aged Care was established to highlight the often-catastrophic emotional harm caused when older people are forced to give up their pets upon moving into an aged care home, and to provide a more practical way forward.

Pet-Friendly Aged Care is a place where older pet owners, their families, home care support agencies and aged care facility operators can find tips and advice that allow residents to keep their pets in safe and responsible ways.

Their goal is to increase the number of pet-friendly aged care support services to prevent animals from being euthanised or surrendered to shelters, maximise the physical and emotional health of our animal-loving older people and promote the social benefits for communities who welcome pets.

Explore more on their website: